1. how human nature is perceived in Cognitive Behavior Therapy 2. discuss the d

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1. how human nature is perceived in Cognitive Behavior Therapy
2. discuss the difference between Cognitive Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy.
3. Listen to today’s Choice Theory/Reality Therapy lecture. Copy and paste link below. Then discuss three critical points and why they are critical. https://coppin.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=bdadd666-2b85-42fe-a93f-ab59011af39e
4. Go to the Reality Therapy website and copy and paste the link below. Then, scroll down to “Quick Start Guide to Choice Therapy” and review the Relationship Habits (connecting and disconnecting). List each habit and briefly summarize the points. Include your reference at the end of the discussion

Quickstart Guide to Choice Theory

5. Refer to your textbook, lecture, PowerPoint, and the Reality Therapy website and state what each letter in the WDEP stands for. And then briefly discuss the WDEP concept and how it is used
6. Different from traditional models of human growth and development (which emphasize a movement toward independence and self-sufficiency/autonomy), the Relational-Cultural Theory (RCT) in Feminist Therapy stress relationships and connectedness with others. In your own words discuss what this means.
List and explain the six principles of Feminist Therapy.
Define the following terms and indicate how they are significant in Feminist Therapy
a. Empowerment
b. Power Analysis
c. Reframing and Relabeling