Font: 12-pt Times New Roman Margins: one-inch all around Length: maximum 2500 words (approx. 10 double-spaced pages; excluding exhibits) Each deviation from these requirements will be penalized 5 marks. Recommended Report Structure Ensure that your report includes the sections listed below. Use a heading to identify each section in your paper. The approximate number of words recommended for each section is shown below in brackets as a guide. Executive summary (~200 words; one page max.): provides a coherent overview of the document it attempts to summarize. The executive summary must briefly state the core problem, summarize the important details, and outline the recommendation. It should be written after you complete the other sections of the case analysis report. Introduction (~50 words): informs the reader what the report will accomplish (and how). Includes brief details on report structure. Problem statement (~50 words): identifies the core problem or issue facing the decision-maker. What problem needs to be solved? Do not confuse the problem with its underlying causes. Analysis (~900 words): identifies the underlying causes of the core problem. The analysis should provide a balanced and detailed analysis of the situation by examining all relevant factors. Discussion of alternatives (~400 words): includes two or three viable and mutually exclusive alternatives that can be used to solve the core problem. Do not discuss alternatives that the decision-maker has already rejected or about which she or he is not enthusiastic. Briefly discuss all important advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Recommendation (~250 words): explicitly identifies your recommendation. Ensure that your recommendation is specific and feasible, and briefly justify your recommendation. Ensure that your recommendation is consistent with the rest of your report. Have you really addressed the core problem? Action and implementation plan (~200 words): outlines actions for implementing your recommendations. This can include a list of key tasks, ownership/delegation of tasks, timeline for implementation, and barriers to successful implementation (e.g., resistance, cost, etc.). Conclusion (~50 words): provides a brief conclusion on what the report accomplished and how the organization can benefit from the recommendations presented.