4. Competitor Social Media Audit (2 similar websites) ○ Brief study of social me

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4. Competitor Social Media Audit (2 similar websites)
○ Brief study of social media strategy: platforms, content mix, frequency of posts, performance
○ Key learnings that can be applied; opportunities for your social plan to do better
5. Content Strategy
○ Pillars and Topics: by Linkedin
○ Content mix by platform
○ 2 sample content for the platform you plan to activate, must include 1-2 original videos
6. Sample Social Media Performance Report by Platform:
○ KPI’s to be tracked for awareness, engagement, conversions, amplification/ advocacy
○ Identify where the priority will be placed and target KPI scores based on research
7. Content Distribution & Calendar
○ Method to generate followers/ subscribers
○ Other ways to distribute your social content beyond your own accounts
○ Post frequency by platform
○ 1 week of scheduled posts for each platform chosen