Length: 2 to 3 pages (double-spaced, 12-pt font, Times New Roman) Objective: Thi

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Length: 2 to 3 pages (double-spaced, 12-pt font, Times New Roman)
This assignment will involve selecting, reading, summarizing, and analyzing a leadership article from Harvard Business Review. The goal is to deepen your understanding of leadership practices by examining how contemporary issues relate to the leadership theories discussed in Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice (9th ed.).
Assignment Instructions:
Select an Article:
Choose one of the Harvard Business Review articles from the suggested list below. Ensure that the article you select relates to leadership concepts discussed in Northouse’s textbook.
Write a 2-3 page Summary and Analysis:
Your article analysis should include the following sections:
Summary (1 page): Provide a concise summary of the article’s key arguments and ideas.
Analysis (1-2 pages): Analyze the article by discussing how its concepts and findings relate to leadership theories in the Northouse text. You may focus on concepts such as situational leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, ethical leadership, or gender and leadership, among others. In this analysis section, you should be critical of the information presented in the article and also consult a variety of sources to support or refute the information in the article. Application (optional, up to 1 page): Reflect on how the article’s insights might apply to real-world leadership practices or your own experiences in leadership roles.
Provide Proper Citations:
Be sure to cite the article and any other resources you refer to, including Northouse’s textbook.