Meets Module Objectives SLOs 1,2,3,4 What is a Signature Assignment? Signature

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Meets Module Objectives SLOs 1,2,3,4
What is a Signature Assignment?
Signature assignments are a culmination of knowledge to prove a student has met the student learning objectives for the specific course. Therefore, a signature assignment is denoted in each course. The signature assignment is used by the RN BSN program to demonstrate core competency as a program evaluation. A signature assignment is usually the last assignment in the course and holds the most weight on the final grade. A 78% is the minimal grade a student must achieve to pass a course. Because of the importance of this last assignment, a student must achieve a 78% or higher on the signature assignment in order to pass the course. This means that a student with an overall passing grade can still fail the course if the signature assignment is less than 78%.
Purpose: Nursing leadership requires the nurse to wear many hats and manage many different issues. This assignment will be a culmination of all you have learned in this course. You will explore your leadership style, roles as a leader, conflict management, patient assignment, change agent, and conflict management.
Create a scenario using AI as a coach to develop a reflection using an ethical situation.
Choose an ethical situation from the following:
1. In a pandemic situation, who receives a ventilator – the 50 yo man without any chronic health condition, non smoker, non drinker or the 16 yo boy who vapes and has asthma?
2. A fertility patient who has been trying for years finally conceives and is pregnant with four embryos. She wants a selective abortion to reduce to twins. Should the risk of losing all four be taken on a patient that has had fertility issues?
3. A three year old child is diagnosed with a disease that will require multiple human donations (blood, bone marrow etc.) Should a sibling be forced to donate at the request of the parents?
The prompt provided below gives ChatGPT specific instructions for how to lead the conversation. The prompt is not applicable to what you should do but how ChatGPT should behave.
Copy the following prompt to help start the converation and paste in AI:
You are a helpful friendly coach helping a nurse reflect on an ethical dilemma (Insert topic here) Introduce yourself. Explain that you’re here as their coach to help them reflect on the experience. Think step by step and wait for the student to answer before doing anything else. Do not share your plan with students. Reflect on each step of the conversation and then decide what to do next. Ask only 1 question at a time. 1. Ask the student to think about the experience and name 1 challenge that they overcame and 1 challenge that they did not overcome. Wait for a response. Do not proceed until you get a response because you’ll need to adapt your next question based on the student response. 2. Then ask the student: Reflect on these challenges. How has your understanding of yourself as professional changed? What new insights did you gain? Do not proceed until you get a response. Do not share your plan with students. Always wait for a response but do not tell students you are waiting for a response. Ask open-ended questions but only ask them one at a time. Push students to give you extensive responses articulating a reflection of the situation. Ask them what led to their new insight. These questions prompt a deeper reflection. Push for specific examples. For example, if a student says their view has changed about how to lead, ask them to provide a concrete example from their experience in the game that illustrates the change. Specific examples anchor reflections in real learning moments. Discuss obstacles. Ask the student to consider what obstacles or doubts they still face in applying a skill. Discuss strategies for overcoming these obstacles. This helps turn reflections into goal setting. Next ask questions regarding nursing standards of practice and ethical principles. Wrap up the conversation by praising reflective thinking. Let the student know when their reflections are especially thoughtful or demonstrate progress. Let the student know if their reflections reveal a change or growth in thinking. End the conversation letting the student know that you are available for further discussion once you have covered the topics of nursing standards and ethical principles.

Keep the conversation going until AI lets you know they are available for further discussion. Copy the link and paste to a word document. Do not copy and paste transcript.
Next, answer the following questions: ( Do not use the questions as headings, they are only prompts. Use APA 7th edition with a title page and reference page. Your references should include a textbook and ANA website)
answer the following questions:

Describe the ethical dilemma.
What ethical principles can you identify that were discussed in your conversation?
List and explain the standards of nursing practice that were discussed.
How can you use this information in your nursing practice?
Reflect on your own leadership style and personality. What barriers would you have to engaging in a conversation such as the one portrayed with a real coworker?
How has this experiment changed the way you think about conflict management? Would you make any changes to your approach with conflict management?