The primary purpose of your annotated bibliography is to help you make progress

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The primary purpose of your annotated bibliography is to help you make progress on your final project proposal ideas throughout the term (and not wait till the last minute).
The main deliverable involves collecting and organizing 10 peer-reviewed papers with strong relevance to your final paper. For each paper, I’d like to see:
A brief summary of the most important goals or themes of the chosen paper within the context of your project
A brief description of how the paper is likely to be used to support your own final paper.
WSiPE principles in action
Upload a digital PDF of each paper (labelled using the Author’s Last Name and Year: such as Gergel 2024)
Summarize these above points in one organized document. Some questions you might consider are: does the paper show a method you will propose to use, or it’s limitations? does it explain the land policies that help you conduct an interesting comparison? does it explain the social or ecological tradeoffs well? does it contradict some other paper? A wide variety of compelling points could be made, please don’t feel limited by my examples.
Be sure to edit your document using the principles from Writing Science in Plain English. But I only expect to see the writing principles from the assignments completed thus far (by this assignment’s deadline).
You will lose substantive points on this assignment if none of the papers link to land change science and/or are basically untethered to the themes of this course, or if your descriptions are hastily prepared and/or unduly vague or general.
What papers can I include?
The primary requirement is that the paper is a legitimate peer-reviewed scientific paper. Websites or blogs not valid for this assignment.
above are the instruction from our instructor. the ‘abstract’ doc file is the one that i write for the proposal, our professor comment: focus on the Urban Expansion and Coastal Wetland Loss on the Mekong Delta (ecology), not socio-economic aspects.