This assignment asks you to create an infographic based on the article you selec

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This assignment asks you to create an infographic based on the article you selected (article is attached below). You should discuss approximately 3-5 findings from the main article, select a good second quality article and discuss 1-3 findings from there. Don’t forget to include a research limitation from the main article. Cite all your sources and use a little reference list. Completing the Research Part:
Now you are ready to work on the final part of the assignment. To build an infographic, you will need a theme or message. Consider the topic of the article when deciding on a theme. For this part, you will locate at least one additional credible (scholarly) source that aligns with the topic of the research article you read. You are encouraged to use scholarly or peer-reviewed resources. For instance, if you look at the example above, the main article assigned was on mindfulness and coloring! The student then went into the library’s databases to find a second peer-reviewed article about coloring and anxiety. What is an Infographic?
Great question! In the resource below, you will find a video titled, “What is an infographic,” so be sure to check that out. You’ll also find an abundance of information on that page to help guide your infographic development. to an external site. To further assist you, here’s an excellent example from a former student:
Student Example: Coloring Download Student Example: Coloring Infographic Tools
For this assignment, you are to use free infographic tools only. The examples used Canva infographic tools. You can access that resource at the website below. It may take you a little bit of time to get familiar with the process, so be sure to start your efforts well in advance of the deadline. to an external site. I highly recommend using Canva, but others have used other websites to help build their infographic. Please Note: You will need to make an account for these various infographic sites, but you do not need to purchase anything to complete the assignment. All of the tools offer paid subscriptions, but there are plenty of free options for each. Please use the free option.
This image contains: Hints and tips for developing your infographicDownload Hints and tips for developing your infographic
Remember to review the rubric one more time to make sure you’ve met all the requirements (hint, a lot of students accidentally miss the limitation section!). The rubric is listed just below this description.
Submitting your Assignment
Once you have completed your infographic assignment, please submit! You should submit as a PDF file only. For the best chance of success, please be sure you review the rubric before you submit. Rubric
Infographic Rubric 3.0
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Article Information
20 ptsAccomplished
Student demonstrated ability to draw appropriate, logical, and objective conclusions about behavior and mental processes from empirical evidence.
17 ptsCompetent
Student demonstrated ability to draw appropriate conclusions from research, but a bit more (or clearer) wording is needed to fully convey the important conclusions.
14 ptsDeveloping
The student used one of the conclusions from the research to support their message, but more was needed to demonstrate knowledge of the article conclusions.
11 ptsBeginning
Student used some info. from the article, but the important content from the study conclusions were not present and/or were incorrect.
0 ptsNo Marks
The student did not use the information from the article in the infographic.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Article Limitation
10 ptsAccomplished
Student provided a clear and accurate limitation of the study, demonstrating critical thinking about the research.
8.33 ptsCompetent
Student provided a clear and accurate limitation of the research on the infographic that was paraphrased from the article but did not demonstrate independent critical thinking.
7.5 ptsDeveloping
Student identified an accurate limitation of the research on the infographic, but more was needed to fully demonstrate knowledge of the limitation in the research.
5.83 ptsBeginning
Student attempted to provide a limitation of the research on the infographic, but it was not accurate.
0 ptsNo Marks
The student did not provide a limitation of the research on the infographic.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSecond Source Information
20 ptsAccomplished
Student used accurate info. that connected to the original and described it well. Student chose a credible second source (peer-reviewed or scholarly source).
16.67 ptsCompetent
Student demonstrated the ability to use accurate info. from a second source, but a bit more or clearer wording is needed to connect it to the original. Student chose a credible second source (peer-reviewed or scholarly source).
15 ptsDeveloping
Information from a second source was provide, but the connection to the research was weak or difficult to determine. Student chose a second source, but it may not be the most credible option.
11.67 ptsBeginning
Information from a second source was provided, but the info. was not accurate. Student chose a second source, but it may not be the most credible option.
0 ptsNo Marks
Student did not include a second source
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Paraphrasing
5 ptsAccomplished
Student paraphrased successfully and effectively throughout the infographic.
4.29 ptsCompetent
There was one sentence or piece of info. where student needed to improve their paraphrasing (e.g., not using own words, paraphrasing was clunky or drastically altered meaning)
2.86 ptsDeveloping
Two or more sentences or pieces of information needed improvements to paraphrasing or the student relied on a quote to convey information.
1.43 ptsBeginning
Student relied primarily on direct quotes to convey relevant information but did at least use quotation marks.
0 ptsNo Marks
Student’s writing used too many of the authors’ words (without quotation marks).
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatted Citations
10 ptsAccomplished
Student included APA formatted in-text citations for all the material in the infographic.
7.78 ptsCompetent
Student included APA formatted in-text citations for all the material in the infographic, but some minor errors were noted.
5.56 ptsDeveloping
Student attempted in-text citations for material in the infographic, but they were not in APA format, or they were missing from 1-2 pieces of information.
3.33 ptsBeginning
Student attempted 1 in-text citation, but it was not correct format and other citations were missing from info.
0 ptsNo Marks
The student did not use in-text citations.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatted References
10 ptsAccomplished
Student included APA formatted references for all the sources used.
7.78 ptsCompetent
Student included APA formatted references for all the sources used, but there were 1-2 errors in the references.
5.56 ptsDeveloping
Student included APA formatted references for all sources used, but there were 3-4 errors; alternatively, student may have included one proper reference, but did not include references for all sources.
3.33 ptsBeginning
Student included a reference section, but any references were not in proper format and not all sources were listed in references.
0 ptsNo Marks
Student did not include a references section.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Clarity & Grammar
20 ptsAccomplished
Writing was free of grammar and spelling errors, clear, and appropriately succinct. Infographic completed for a general audience, including one that has not read sources. Infographic message connects sources. In doing so, demonstrates application of psych. principles to everyday life.
16 ptsCompetent
Writing was generally good, but either had a spelling/grammar error, a minor lack of clarity, or was too wordy to be considered appropriately succinct. Infographic conveys a message that connects the sources, but the wording and/or info. could be improved to clarify and/or better convey the message.
12 ptsDeveloping
Writing had multiple issues and/or errors that may include grammar/spelling mistakes, clarity issues, or issues being succinct. Student attempted to include a message, but the message only loosely connects to the sources provided or may only connect with one.
8 ptsBeginning
Significant writing issues affected the overall clarity of the infographic and meaning of the information. The infographic does not have a clear message that connects the pieces throughout the infographic.
0 ptsNo Marks
Student only used quotes so writing clarity and grammar was not assessable.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Appearance/Organization
5 ptsAccomplished
Infographic is pleasing to look at, well-organized, and makes good use of space and graphic images.
4 ptsCompetent
Infographic is generally pleasing to look at, well-organized, & makes fairly good use of space/graphic images, but a bit more attention to detail is needed.
3 ptsDeveloping
Infographic lacks organization or good use of space and graphic images.
0 ptsNo Marks
It lacks organization and good use of space/graphic images. Infographic is hard to follow.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomecharacteristics of scienceDescribe the basic characteristics of the science of Psychology threshold: 70.0 pts
90 ptsExceeds Expectation
70 ptsMeets Expectations
0 ptsDeveloping

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicationExpress their understanding of psychological concepts/issues in written or oral presentation format.
threshold: 2.0 pts
3 ptsExceeds Expectations
2 ptsMeets Expecations
1 ptsDeveloping

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeapplicationApply the concepts and theories that are the foundations of the field of Psychology to behavioral phenomenon.
threshold: 2.0 pts
3 ptsExceeds Expectations
2 ptsMeets Exectations
1 ptsDeveloping

Total Points: 100