Your final project is a Writer’s Profile, which is an example of a comprehensive

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Your final project is a Writer’s Profile, which is an example of a comprehensive reflection. For that reason, I want to pause and discuss why we write reflections and what makes a good reflection. This assignment is meant to help you understand the Writer’s Profile so that you can do well on the assignment.
Step 1:
You’ll look over some handouts and previous assignments to start making connections about what reflection is and what’s expected of you.
1. For this assignment, you should first read the following handout about reflective writing. (SEE SCREENSHOTS ATTACHED) What are three lessons/ideas that struck you as important or interesting from the handout? For each one, summarize the idea, then explain what this idea/lesson means to you and how will use it to write your own reflection in this unit.
2. I’ve provided guiding questions for you so that you can write an effective Writer’s Profile. Look over those guiding questions. (SEE SCREENSHOTS ATTACHED) Draw at least two connections between the handout in this assignment (in #1) and the guiding questions for the Writer’s Profile. How does the handout help you understand the Writer’s Profile better?
3. Look back at the reflection assignment you did in Unit 1, Mod. 1 | Reflective Writing and the Revision Process. (SEE PDF ASSIGNMENT ATTACHED) Make at least one connection between your answers to that assignment and the handout here. How does this handout build on something you learned about revision/reflection in that Unit 1 assignment? What do you understand better (or differently) now that we’re at the end of the course?
4. Look at the example writer profiles linked in the assignment sheet.
– Identify the one you chose.
– What reflective elements do you see in this profile? Put another way: what kind of things do they discuss that are reflective in nature? The reflection handout might help you answer this question.
– What similarities do you see between the kinds of things the writer profile addresses and the kinds of things you are asked to address in the Writer’s Profile guiding questions? (SEE SCREENSHOTS ATTACHED)
– In what way does the author address their previous work or previous experiences in their profile?
– A writer’s profile is a specific genre, with some variability. You are being asked to write a Writer’s Profile, which may look a little different from the examples I linked. Looking over the guiding questions again, in what ways will your Writer’s Profile be different from this writer profile you analyzed?
Step 2
Read page 123-127 in Ch. 10: “Reflecting on your Writing” in your textbook. Then answer the questions below.
1. Look over the assignment sheet (SEE SCREENSHOTS ATTACHED) for the Writer’s Profile and then use the questions under “Consider your rhetorical situation” in your textbook to identify your rhetorical situation for the Writer’s Profile. What’s your audience and purpose? What’s the context? How will the genre, medium and design affect your writing? What kind of language will you use?
2. Look over the sections called “Explore your writing and reflect” and “Organize and start writing”. Identify at least three pieces of advice that will help you write your Writer’s Profile (making sure that you choose at least one from each of these two sections). Explain why it will help you. (You may bullet your answers.)