Pick two of these selections and discuss how each selection is representative of 19th c. classical ballets in terms of its choreographic and musical conventions. Think about the various dance sections of 19th c. ballets (think Petipa-type structures), such as solo variations and ensemble numbers—think about the purpose of each dance and how the music does or does not support this purpose. Compare these sections to other examples we viewed in class — do you see similarities in the choreography? Also think about casting/staging: how many dancers are in each selection, who is the main focus? How does the music support the virtuosity of the dance, and how does the dance interact with the music (think about repetition, length of the music, tempo, texture and timbre, and the general mood/energy set by the music). Your response should be about 2 pages, double spaced.
Two videos to analyze:
Use the notes in the attached file to answer the prompt please
Pick two of these selections and discuss how each selection is representative of
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